vineri, 15 mai 2009

[-] Credit Repair, You Can Do it on Your Own!

Tips on Repairing Your Own CreditDo not be fooled with credit repair agencies. You can repair your own credit. A great benefit to repairing you own credit (besides a higher FICO score) is that you have a sense of accomplishment for doing it on your own, and your credit report wont show that you used a credit repair
 agency.Credit repair take diligence and some hard work. But if you want to purchase a home, get a credit card, or buy a car, you will need to raise your FICO score.The higher your FICO score, the lower interest rate you will pay. The lower your FICO score, the higher your interest rate. Companies will see you as a risk for lending if you have a low FICO score. There are three credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. I would suggest going to to get a copy of your credit report. Not only will you get an accurate credit report, but you will also get your FICO score for all three agencies. A lot of the “free credit report” sites can give you a fairly accurate credit report, however their FICO is not accurate. It is called FACO, and you can not go by that number. It will give you an idea of the range, but it isn’t your true FICO Score.Once you get your credit report, go over with a fine tooth comb to see what kind of negative marks you have. You want to make sure that there hasn’t been any fraudulent activity in your name.Now that you know what your negative marks are, get the contact information for each company that is reporting your information. You will want to send a certified letter, return receipt requested to each company that is reporting negative credit. Do not ever talk to collection agencies or debt collectors on the phone. You want and need everything in writing. In your letter, you want to ask for debt validation. This is asking them to prove that the debt is yours.

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