Be Careful with Paid Credit Repair CompaniesYOU can learn to FIX BAD CREDIT. That’s right, You can learn to repair bad credit, as well as credit repair agencies and credit repair Lawyers can. Credit Repair isn’t rocket science. We are constantly bombarded on TV with ads from credit repair service
companies and Lawyers promising to show you how they will fix bad credit. Well if you need to fix your bad credit then read on. One question that you have to ask yourself is, how do I learn to fix my own credit? The Internet is chock full of websites that offer free information on credit repair topics. Your only problem is to find out which sites know what they’re talking about. Credit Repair is easy if you know how to do it properly and are aware of the latest methods and techniques available.Let’s start with the cost that these companies charge for credit repair. They want money upfront before they even do anything. Many of them charge by the month. Typically, you will pay $500 and up to over $1000 in a year. For what? Basically, they are going to write form letters to your creditors.Finding a Lawyer to fix bad credit will be even more costly. Fees for Lawyers that do credit repair work are much higher. Try anywhere from $2000 to $5,000 to $10,000 or more. Do you still want to get a Credit Repair Lawyer to fix your bad credit? So let’s look at practical, low cost methods first OK?You can learn to write better letters and do a better job than these “pay” options. How? By getting educated and learning the procedures necessary to fix bad credit. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also advocates that you look into repairing your own credit. They have an article on their website entitled, “Credit Repair: Self-help may be best”. They caution you to beware of credit companies that want money up front before they do anything for you. They also talk about, or actually warn you about, companies that don’t tell you what you can do yourself for free. The FTC goes on, with many other warnings, about paid credit repair companies that are scammers and how the consumer has to be aware. Like the old saying goes Caveat Emptor (let the buyer beware).
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