vineri, 15 mai 2009

[-] Credit Repair Basics and Pitfalls

Don’t Pay a Credit Repair Service for What You Should Do YourselfHave you considered all of the benefits of helping repair your own credit? In today’s tightening credit market and uncertain economic times there is simply no substitute for a good credit score. I am sure that you have seen ads in newspapers or magazines for credit repair agencies. There
 are Internet banners, television ads, radio commercials and direct mail pieces all advertising credit or credit card repair services. Many companies even use telemarketers to try and win you over to their service. Each one makes the same claims.* “Bad credit? We can help, don’t worry!”* “We guarantee to the race 100% of your bad credit”* “You can legally create a new credit identity”* “Our service can remove judgments, bankruptcies, liens, and any negative blemish from your credit file for ever!”Whatever you do don’t believe the statements. Don’t waste your money on something that you can do yourself. If you are willing to invest a little time, effort and ingenuity in implementing your personal debt repayment plan, you can dramatically improve your credit score and increase your future credit worthiness.The credit repair industry is a huge multimillion dollar market. It is no wonder that credit repair companies participate in such aggressive recruitment and marketing. They seem to know the ends and outs, but the truth is more times than not they fail to deliver. Many of these companies simply take your money and run which in many cases puts the consumer further into debt. How would you feel if rather than deleting or removing negative items from your credit file a fly-by-night credit repair service took your money and left you holding and in the bag?All is not lost though…If you think that you are truly interested in a credit fixing offer then you owe it to yourself to pay attention to these simple tips:* Avoid any company that will only provide you with their credit repair services after you have made a payment.* Avoiding any company that does not clearly explained your legal rights and what options you have that are actually free.

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