vineri, 29 mai 2009

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vineri, 15 mai 2009

[-] Credit Repair: How to Steer Clear of the Scam Artists

Are You Aware of the Credit Repair Scams?If you are considering repairing your credit, the best thing you can do is do it yourself. You will see or hear advertisements alleging that a company can offer fantastic credit repair services that are “guaranteed” or “legal.” These companies might utilize slogans that can be quite
 tempting to individuals who are in dismal need of credit repair. There are other companies who advertise that they have genuine testimonies from various clients, most of which are not even real. As soon as you figure out that you are in terrible need of credit repair, you need to act on it right away. You need to keep in mind that this credit repair needs to be handled by you and no one else. Fortunately, there are quite a few things that can assist you in staying away from scam credit repair companies. The DeceptionDay in and day out, many businesses solicit to people who have terrible credit records. Frequently, they guarantee to clean up credit records, for a fee, to assist people to obtain a loan, a car, mortgage on a home, or possibly even obtain a job. The hideous truth is they cannot do this; you need to remember this particularly if you do not want your credit to get worse. These companies will only take the money you pay them for this service and disappear. The Signals of a Scam ArtistIf you contact a credit repair company, there are cautionary signals that can assist you in deciding if this company is a genuine credit repair company or a scam. One warning signal is if the company wants you to pay the cost of the credit repair before they supply any service. Additionally, stay clear of businesses that do not give you your legal rights that you are allowed and do not give you information on things you can do yourself to repair your credit.There are also companies around that will recommend people to contact a credit reporting agency directly. You should stay away from these companies. Another big alert is a company that recommends that you generate a new credit identity and then create a new credit report by utilizing an Employer Identification Number to use instead of your social security number. By all means, stay away from companies that suggest this!

[-] Credit Repair: Should You Do it Yourself or Hire Someone

Be Careful with Paid Credit Repair CompaniesYOU can learn to FIX BAD CREDIT. That’s right, You can learn to repair bad credit, as well as credit repair agencies and credit repair Lawyers can. Credit Repair isn’t rocket science. We are constantly bombarded on TV with ads from credit repair service
 companies and Lawyers promising to show you how they will fix bad credit. Well if you need to fix your bad credit then read on. One question that you have to ask yourself is, how do I learn to fix my own credit? The Internet is chock full of websites that offer free information on credit repair topics. Your only problem is to find out which sites know what they’re talking about. Credit Repair is easy if you know how to do it properly and are aware of the latest methods and techniques available.Let’s start with the cost that these companies charge for credit repair. They want money upfront before they even do anything. Many of them charge by the month. Typically, you will pay $500 and up to over $1000 in a year. For what? Basically, they are going to write form letters to your creditors.Finding a Lawyer to fix bad credit will be even more costly. Fees for Lawyers that do credit repair work are much higher. Try anywhere from $2000 to $5,000 to $10,000 or more. Do you still want to get a Credit Repair Lawyer to fix your bad credit? So let’s look at practical, low cost methods first OK?You can learn to write better letters and do a better job than these “pay” options. How? By getting educated and learning the procedures necessary to fix bad credit. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) also advocates that you look into repairing your own credit. They have an article on their website entitled, “Credit Repair: Self-help may be best”. They caution you to beware of credit companies that want money up front before they do anything for you. They also talk about, or actually warn you about, companies that don’t tell you what you can do yourself for free. The FTC goes on, with many other warnings, about paid credit repair companies that are scammers and how the consumer has to be aware. Like the old saying goes Caveat Emptor (let the buyer beware).

[-] Credit Repair Basics and Pitfalls

Don’t Pay a Credit Repair Service for What You Should Do YourselfHave you considered all of the benefits of helping repair your own credit? In today’s tightening credit market and uncertain economic times there is simply no substitute for a good credit score. I am sure that you have seen ads in newspapers or magazines for credit repair agencies. There
 are Internet banners, television ads, radio commercials and direct mail pieces all advertising credit or credit card repair services. Many companies even use telemarketers to try and win you over to their service. Each one makes the same claims.* “Bad credit? We can help, don’t worry!”* “We guarantee to the race 100% of your bad credit”* “You can legally create a new credit identity”* “Our service can remove judgments, bankruptcies, liens, and any negative blemish from your credit file for ever!”Whatever you do don’t believe the statements. Don’t waste your money on something that you can do yourself. If you are willing to invest a little time, effort and ingenuity in implementing your personal debt repayment plan, you can dramatically improve your credit score and increase your future credit worthiness.The credit repair industry is a huge multimillion dollar market. It is no wonder that credit repair companies participate in such aggressive recruitment and marketing. They seem to know the ends and outs, but the truth is more times than not they fail to deliver. Many of these companies simply take your money and run which in many cases puts the consumer further into debt. How would you feel if rather than deleting or removing negative items from your credit file a fly-by-night credit repair service took your money and left you holding and in the bag?All is not lost though…If you think that you are truly interested in a credit fixing offer then you owe it to yourself to pay attention to these simple tips:* Avoid any company that will only provide you with their credit repair services after you have made a payment.* Avoiding any company that does not clearly explained your legal rights and what options you have that are actually free.

[-] Credit Repair - Buyer Beware

How to Tell If a Credit Repair Company is a ScamYou see all of the ads on TV and in print. Fix your credit problems, improve your credit score, and they show an 800 number and give a website for more information. Are these programs legitimate or are they frauds? Here are the facts that everyone needs to know. The first thing to know is the difference between a legitimate credit counseling agency and a scam. A credit counseling agency is usually non-profit. In addition, a legitimate credit counseling agency will not promise to fix credit problems and improve your credit score. Instead, they
 will give you sound advice on how to manage your money, pay bills on time, and decrease debt service. A legitimate credit counseling agency will not ask for money upfront. Many banks and credit unions offer free credit counseling services. In comparison, scams usually make incredible promises. They ask for a monthly fee plus an upfront fee. These fees are expensive. Here is how to tell if it is a scam, even if they are non-profit. Check with the local State Attorney General’s Office and ask them if there are any complaints against the company you are considering. Then check with the BBB (Better Business Bureau). Once that is done and you are satisfied that the company is legitimate here are some points to consider before you shell out your hard earned money on one of these services. How Can I Tell if it is a Scam?Find out exactly what services the company is offering you. Changing social security numbers or obtaining an EIN (Employee Identification Number) for the purpose of starting a new credit file is illegal and it can be considered fraudulent by lenders if you secure a loan using these documents. If this is part of the services offered, it is a scam.

[-] Credit Repair: Starts with Your Credit Report

No Nonsense Guide to Amazingly Free and Easy Credit RepairOne of the most important steps in self repairing your credit is to get your credit report from the national credit bureaus. Experian, Equifax and Trans Union are the three biggest credit bureaus where the local and regional credit centers get most of their information from. Why work around the middle man when you can get it straight from the big guy?
 Currently, annual credit report is the only authorized source to get your free annual report under federal law. You are entitled to get your free credit report once every year and anything that ask you to pay, even for processing fees should be examined closely. It is much more convenient to get your credit report free from the site above but if you prefer to do it by mail for whatever reason, include your name, address and social security number, and proof of address (phone bills, utility bills, etc) and send to the following addresses:Experian Credit Report Service(800) 682-7654P.O. Box 2104\Allen, TX 75013-2104Equifax(800) 685- 1111P.O. Box 105873Atlanta, GA 30348Trans Union(800)888-4213P.O. Box 390Springfield, PA 19064-039Most cases of money owed that you will see in your credit report are unsecured debts such as hospital, medical bills, and student loans. Unsecure debts do not allow the creditor to take anything back from you. Secured debts on the other hand, is backed up by your asserts such as car, house, boat, etc. If you fail to pay, or default on a payment, the creditors can put a lien on it.If you know for sure that your car will be repossessed, take your things out ahead and when the creditors do come for the car, make sure you get a receipt and mark the time and date.As for the house, if you see foreclosure coming, speak to the loaners about if they can work out a deal with you. Some will and some won’t; it just really depends. However, go ahead and rent a storage area to move the stuff. You can begin selling them on eBay or craigslist to help with some of the expenses. Start looking for another apartment or if you’re single, check out if anyone needs a roommate. This will help you with the financial issues until you have your feet planted.

[-] Credit Repair, You Can Do it on Your Own!

Tips on Repairing Your Own CreditDo not be fooled with credit repair agencies. You can repair your own credit. A great benefit to repairing you own credit (besides a higher FICO score) is that you have a sense of accomplishment for doing it on your own, and your credit report wont show that you used a credit repair
 agency.Credit repair take diligence and some hard work. But if you want to purchase a home, get a credit card, or buy a car, you will need to raise your FICO score.The higher your FICO score, the lower interest rate you will pay. The lower your FICO score, the higher your interest rate. Companies will see you as a risk for lending if you have a low FICO score. There are three credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. I would suggest going to to get a copy of your credit report. Not only will you get an accurate credit report, but you will also get your FICO score for all three agencies. A lot of the “free credit report” sites can give you a fairly accurate credit report, however their FICO is not accurate. It is called FACO, and you can not go by that number. It will give you an idea of the range, but it isn’t your true FICO Score.Once you get your credit report, go over with a fine tooth comb to see what kind of negative marks you have. You want to make sure that there hasn’t been any fraudulent activity in your name.Now that you know what your negative marks are, get the contact information for each company that is reporting your information. You will want to send a certified letter, return receipt requested to each company that is reporting negative credit. Do not ever talk to collection agencies or debt collectors on the phone. You want and need everything in writing. In your letter, you want to ask for debt validation. This is asking them to prove that the debt is yours.

sâmbătă, 21 februarie 2009

The Truth About Credit Debt Counseling Program and How it Affects You

What can a credit debt counseling program do for you? Amid the oft misleading ads, hype and outright scams, it is important for you to know the truth about credit counseling before diving in.

A credit counseling program may be just the thing you need to begin your journey to being debt-free. And a journey it is. You see, there is no easy solution or quick fix to debt problems. Anyone who tells you otherwise may not have your best interests in mind.

What a good credit counseling agency does is look at your case from a professional perspective and offer you options for resolving your debt issues.

You are expected to provide all details about your finances including credit, debt and income, as well as your short-term and long-term personal financial goals. This is in order to provide you with the best possible option(s) to suit your situation and lifestyle.

The first thing you need to do is find a reputable credit counseling service. This can be challenging as scam companies are galore. But if you know what to look for you can narrow down your search and make the task much easier.

It is advisable to go for a nonprofit agency. But note also that some so-called nonprofit agencies have been caught in crooked practices, so you should not stop here.

Check with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) and the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies (AICCCA) as they have a list of reputable nonprofit agencies you can choose from.

Here are some red flags to look out for when shopping for a credit debt counseling program;

1. Upfront fees. Most legitimate credit counseling agencies will not ask for a fee before talking to you.

2. Claims to make you debt free today. It takes time, even with the best help in the world.

3. Erase, or cut your debts by 50% or more. A reputable debt counseling service will expect you to meet your obligations as this is the honorable thing to do. If an agency promises to erase or cut your debts by a huge percentage, this is likely to be a debt settlement plan which can potentially cause you other problems including tax problems.

4. Charges a high monthly fee based on your total debt. If you enroll in a continuous program such as debt consolidation and/or educational program, you can expect a monthly fee. But this should be a flat rate that you should know upfront.

5. If the agency's employees work on commission, run!

It should also be pointed out that a credit debt counseling program can impact on your ability to obtain new credit. Typically, it will show on your credit report that you are in counseling. Some creditors just will not want work to with you if you are in counseling.

Also, though your counselor will negotiate for lower interest rates on your behalf, some rates could actually go up. If you choose to take the debt consolidation route, you will be required to close some accounts which will like negatively affect your credit score.

vineri, 20 februarie 2009

Essential Credit Card Debt Facts

Love them or loathe them, the credit card is actually a good thing. We are all searching for a better credit score and a credit card is very often the best way to build good credit, but misuse it and they suddenly become your most hated financial outlay.

The credit card debt facts are these:

The pros are;

1# Emergency Financial Aid: A credit card can be used, as is the case by many users, as an emergency source of funds.

2# Free Insurance: when used to purchase items many cards offer the security of free purchase insurance.

3# Improved Credit Status: As long as your use is controlled and you don't run into problems your improved credit status will make it easier to gain loans for cars etc.

The negatives are;

1# Card Misuse: Using your credit card as an extension of your paycheck and maxing it out will get you way in over your head very quickly.

2# Missing payments will have an adverse affect on your credit for SEVEN years and becomes affective almost as soon as you miss your first payment.

When deciding to get a credit card the two important factors to give consideration to are the Interest charged by the card supplier and the balance payable at the end of each period. Different Credit card companies offer different interest rates, but an acceptable FIXED interest rate is between 8 and 11 percent. You can then compare the various special offers that each supplier in that bracket is offering before making your final choice.

With regards to payable balance that comes down to you, how much you can comfortably afford to pay each month, remember this sum should include the added interest rate; for example: If you can only afford to pay $100 each month and your credit card has an interest rate of 10% APR you should only spend around $90 to $95 as there will be a minimum monthly interest charged.

However should these credit card debt facts go unheeded it is likely that you will end up looking to consolidate your credit card debt and quite often a debt consolidation loan is the best option to do this, but before looking into a credit card debt consolidation loan there are methods that many are now using to achieve financial freedom in remarkably short periods of time.

The methods mentioned are not widely known but are both ethical and legal and are not liked by the financial institutions who DO NOT want you or anyone else using them to reduce and eliminate debt as it would be very damaging to their interest related profits. Find out more about these methods by visiting my sites using either of the links at the end of this article.

joi, 15 ianuarie 2009

Best Credit Repair Companies and How to Pick One

There appears to be rather a large amount of bafflement relating to the matter of how to choose a credit repair company. There's a vast torrent of data out there on the Web with regard to credit repair services. If you take a glance at the Web it's fairly easy to grasp how it can seem really baffling. In this article I'm going to briefly go through some of the main factors that you should take care with.

Keeping away from claims about raising your FICO score instantly is a vitally major point to try to investigate. This is sometimes possible but should never be seen to be guaranteed in an ad.

Staying away from services that promise you will never have to worry about your score again is a really significant subject to try to consider. Your credit score is always in a constant state of change. Keeping it in good shape is an ongoing process.

You need proper customer service with real people and not some automated answering service.

Looking for a service that can help you maintain your score is an exceptionally important aspect to endeavor to follow up on. As I said this is an ongoing process.

As I outlined in the opening section of the article, this has only been a quick analysis of all of the principal elements about the question of how to choose a credit repair company. There is just a handful of other absolutely crucial issues that you will really need to have an understanding of.

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