joi, 11 septembrie 2008

Christian Credit Counselors Helping You

Christian credit consultants providing a service for a more frequently recurring problem across America - consumer debt. Among the banks, credit card companies and the temptation to use incredibly high interest rates for major purchases such as houses, cars and electronics, many consumers have jumped on board the fast train to debt. Although the credit counselors have tried to help Christians struggling with bills, many non-Christians have also gotten help through these companies.

The trend has been reversed and the interest rates start to rise, offsetting the stability of income, which is consumed by payments to maintain their way of life. This load of heavy debt burdens and stresses those fighting to get a good night's sleep, free of concern for unpaid bills. "Mine injustices are gone over my head, like a lead weight for me" (Psalm 38:4). In these times of despair, a christian credit counselors offer a course of action to work towards a solution to the end of the debts.

There are many well-known industry professionals who have seen and heard in the national media that the public's confidence in the banking community is not as good as it used to be. Christians feel the need for spirituality to solve the debt problems they have but this can only carry them so far. Counseling is need to deal with the banks and card companies to repay these overdue bills. But the bible gives them strength. Put your feet on a rock and established my welcome. ... Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, not proud respected or next to lie "(Ps. 40:2,4).

Credit counseling uses solid strategies, but also works in the context of religious intervention. While sometimes it is difficult to determine the true spiritual depth, it is reasonable to conclude that they are trained in economic matters and its experts are sincere in the desire to help others, to the glory of God, these professionals are Christians. They are a good source of help for financial advice.

As with any other service that is financially linked, it is wise to know who your credit christian counselor is before getting financial advice from them. References can be found through a search engine online, with a thorough investigation. Any reference to the Christian Credit Counselor source can be found in documents,Websites, blogs and personal references to numerous visits by the search engine.

duminică, 17 august 2008

Can You Be Sued For Credit Card Debts - Advice About Being Sued For Debt

The answer to whether you can be sued for credit card debts has to be that you can, but the decision to sue or not depends on many things. Bear in mind that what the card company want is to get their money, so they will only sue if they think that is the course of action that is most likely to achieve this end.

Whether they decide to sue you for the credit card debts will depend on things like how much you owe and how far you have fallen behind with your repayments. The fact that any legal advice and action will cost them money means that they are not likely to go down this path unless the gain is going to outweigh the cost.

Other factors that the card company will consider are how long you have been at your current address, whether you have a steady job and how old you are. These are the sort of things that will affect how likely they think you are to disappear to avoid the debt. If you look fairly settled and young enough to work for some time to come, you are a better bet for paying them back in the long term, so they might do a deal.

If you have your credit card in a joint name the company are probably going to try chasing the other cardholder as their first option, because if this works it is a lot easier and cheaper than suing you.

Can You Be Sued For Credit Card Debts:

Yes You Can - But That Is Not Necessarily The End Of The World

Leaving aside the legal action for a moment, most debt problems should be tackled in the same sort of way, by working out your exact financial situation and negotiating an affordable deal with your creditors. This is too big a subject to go into in this article, but is always the best solution as it does not involve borrowing more money or paying a company for a commercial debt solution which primarily benefits them.

Credit cards are a form of Secondary Debt, meaning that the immediate consequences of non-payment are less serious than those which could result in losing your home, imprisonment or having your possessions seized. A credit card company that you owe money to are perfectly entitled to take legal action against you, which is likely to result in the court ordering you to pay off the debt at a rate they decide, which ought to be within your means.

Can You Be Sued For Credit Card Debts:

The Legal Process
If you receive a Default Notice from the company you owe money to, then you need to seek legal advice because they can then take you to court. You may well be advised to apply for a Time Order from the court, which can have the benefit of limiting the interest and penalties on your debt and setting a lower repayment amount.

To get a Time Order you need to send a letter to the company you owe money to and make an offer to pay them an amount you can afford. You case will be made stronger if you can include a Personal Financial Statement to show your exact financial situation. If the company turn down your offer of payment you need to approach the County Court to apply for the Time Order. The court will then decide whether your offer of payment was for an appropriate amount or not.

If the company refuse your offer of payment you can go ahead and make the payments you have offered anyway, then it is up to them to decide whether to take you to court of not. If they decide to take action then you will need to apply for a Time Order at that point, but in this situation the court fee will be paid by the card company, not you.

If no application for a Time Order is made, the credit card company make what is known as a Money Only Claim through the County Court. If their claim goes through, this will result in a County Court Judgment against your name.

If the card company lodge a claim against you, you will be sent a form to complete by the Court. Make sure you seek legal advice if this happens. What the County Court Judgement will do is set in place a plan for the repayment of the debt, and it is very important that you stick to this. The court should take into account your financial situation, so the repayment amounts ought to be affordable.

Can You Be Sued For Credit Card Debts:

When Things Can Get More Serious

Once there is a County Court Judgment against you, your situation changes to one with potentially more serious consequences. The payments set by the court must be maintained, otherwise the court can allow the card company to send bailiffs to take possession of your possessions.

Another possible consequence of court action could be the decision to implement an Attachment of Earnings, which allows the deduction of money direct from your wages. The consequences of not co-operating with such a requirement include imprisonment.

The other possible consequence that you really want to avoid is the setting up of a Charging Order. This secures what you owe against your home, so if you then default on your payments your home could be sold off to get the money you owe.

sâmbătă, 5 iulie 2008

The Upsides of a Debt Settlement Program

It is always to have a plan when tackling a problem. This is much more important regarding payment of outstanding debts as a planned program allows one the ability to budget expenses within means available. In the end, the following are the rewards of a debt settlement program.

1) Fiscal flexibility

Having plan allows you the flexibility to allot the income you earned for purposes you would want. By itemizing monthly what the payments are to be made regarding existing debt, you are able to see the savings one can realize each time. Also, by having a debt settlement blueprint, you can actually pre determine the income left over for leisure or savings.

2) Avoidance of harassment

If one has outstanding debts, be prepared for collection agents haranguing you about the payments you need to make. This avoids for unnecessary stress since phone calls about your past due debts are not pleasant ones. It only adds pressure on you to make payments. By having a debt settlement plan, you can avoid these calls and instead focus your energies towards earning income to pay these debts.

3) Favorable credit scores

The credit score is the computation of the kind of credit risk you are. This affects the terms and provisions for future credit you may wish to entail. By having a debt settlement plan, you are also working on the improvement of your credit score. Thus for future credit obtained, you would enjoy lower interest rates and higher credit ceilings. Without a debt settlement plan being observed, future credit obtained may result in higher interest rates imposed or much worse, declined credit applications.

joi, 5 iunie 2008

Repair Your Credit Fast - What Credit Bureaus Don't Want You to Know

Bad credit can have worse after effects and hence many people who have a low FICO score would need to look at options to repair their credit fast. Although there is no short track method to achieve the same, you will need some expert advice to repair your credit fast. It is evident that since you got into the situation of bad credit, your financial planning has not been of a world standard.

Your credit has taken many years to get messed up and hence it is understood that it will take some time to repair it and bring it back to its old glory. In order to repair your credit fast, the first step you would need to take is to get in touch with a counsellor or a repair specialist.

The first and foremost thing to do in order to repair your credit fast is to be honest with the credit repair specialist and help him find effective ways to achieve the objective. Depending on your credit report, the credit counsellor or the credit repair specialist would analyze and find which accounts are positive and which are negative and how long have they been so? The answers to these questions may lie in your credit report and the situations or reasons for these would be in your answers that you offer to the credit repair specialist.

Putting these two together, the repair specialist would help you to work out the best solution possible to repair your credit fast. A few bad marks can be fixed in few weeks but credit reports having over a 100 bad marks cannot be fixed so easily. These may take up to a year. All this is possible depending on how you can meet your bills regularly for the next one year and how fast you would be paying your debts back.

Credit repair is no simple process and it is important that you realize how you got into such a position during the process. To repair your credit fast, you will need to weed out these mistakes and learn to avoid them to have a secure financial future. Make sure that the process of credit repair that you are undergoing is not a temporary fix and have an objective to keep your credit rating as high as possible. The better your rating is, the better your chances of succeeding financially.

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